Growing Children with Challenges services are focused on the family’s priority and child’s potential.
About Us
Growing Children with Challenges is an Early Intervention agency that provides coaching support and services to families with children, from birth to age 3, with developmental delays. Collaborating with Pennsylvania OCDEL (Office of Child Development and Early Learning), Partnership for Community Supports, ChildLink, Lenape Valley Foundation, Merakey, and St. Luke’s University Health Care Network/Penn Foundation, which are funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, City of Philadelphia Office of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services and Bucks County Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Programs, our agency is giving valuable support to all children who are eligible for services. Our well-educated therapists provide culturally appropriate services working together with family and child and use a coaching model to help the child reach his or her potential.
Growing Children with Challenges believes that early intervention is a significant
help for every family and every child.